Yesterday, I showed you the cute Spring Break kit that is your ticket for your festivities starting April 1st at BrownieScraps! Well, today, I'm going to give you a chance to win the kit for FREE! Leave a comment here with what you WISH you could do for spring break this year if money and work and all that stuff were not important enough to consider! I'll announce the winner next friday!
Here is they flyer of events for our Spring Break!
A $100 gift basket of scrapping/hybrid goodies will go to the First Place winner!! Snag your ticket
HERE today!
MY wish for spring break would be to go to Hawaii and visit my son!
My wish for Spring Break would be to go to Disney World - again - and take more pics of my family there to scrap!!! :)
I'd love to go to Disney World with the family. Peanut has never been. I'd love to treat my sister-in-law and nephew as well. They have so much fun together.
I would love to visit my hometown of Phoenix one more time and smell the orange blossoms and soak in the sunshine.
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